Wednesday, January 30, 2008

It's almost February

of 2008. And I haven't said anything for far too long. But I have been having a fairly uneventful life, with little worth commenting on. I mean besides finishing my first quarter in the new program, seeing my sister for the first time in two years, meeting her fiance, going to their wedding, doing Christmas with the whole family, flying across the ocean to see my sweetie, getting engaged, coming back to school late, getting a bad stomach flu, then having my compy die on me, and having an impromptu whole family reunion last weekend, there hasn't been much happening with me. And most of my readers already know about those things anyway.

P.S. You may have noticed that I've moved this blog to my own domain. I'm also now running a proxified version ( so friends in China can see it without a proxy setup. (Yay!)


slowlane said...

I would hate to hear what you considered an eventful life.

caedmonstia said...

That does sound boring. I'm glad you are at least keeping us up-to-date, though.

Vicki Carroll said...

I don't know. It sounds as if you may have inherited the keep-moving-or-I- may-fall-asleep-from-exhaustion syndrome. "Capers" and I celebrated the 35th anniversary of our engagement by attending the school board meeting!
But I'm glad you have posted before the Leap Year Month begins!

Matthew Carroll said...

If you ever get bored, you can come up here and take Natu for a cruise on the Virago.

Anonymous said...

oops,it seems i am not a bit late,heihei,i kenw it! flying over the whole pecific ocean must mean sth. get yr life setting down with your beloved,isn't it so sweet? may happiness and peace be with you always!