Monday, March 13, 2006


I just submitted my first conference paper!


Matthew Carroll said...

When do you leave down under?

Erin said...


And for which conference?

serapio said...

That was for SIGDIAL. I think I'll also submit it to EMNLP. In either case, I won't know if I'm accepted for a month or two, and won't be going anywhere until this summer.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Hooray!That's great news! Congratulations! Love, Mom

caedmonstia said...

Hey what does a conference paper do? And what do those capital letters mean?

the girl in the red hat said...

Nobody knows for sure what conference papers do nor what the initials stand for. Only one thing is certain; if you ask that question, you lose the game of one-upmanship and make everyone roll their eyes, embarassed that you don't know the answer. On the plus side, you contributed to making us feel superior. Let that console you.